Welcome to the Happy Productive Podcast!
Jan. 10, 2024

Evolving Beyond: Therapy’s Timeless Impact on Personal Growth with Dr. Bonnie Wims

Evolving Beyond: Therapy’s Timeless Impact on Personal Growth with Dr. Bonnie Wims

 Are you struggling with internal conflicts that hinder decision-making? Maybe it’s time to address these unresolved issues. After all, those who rise to their challenges are the ones who rise to new heights.

Dr. Bonnie Wims, therapist, and mental coach who got her doctorate in her 50s, is proof that it is never too late for personal growth. Her perspective is reflected in the belief that “unacknowledged pain doesn’t go away, it multiplies.” She advocates for continued self-work and acknowledges that she, too, continues to work on her setbacks. In her words: “The truth of who you are is not in what you are told or what you are taught, but rather the true nature of you is in what you choose.” Being vulnerable to see your behavior is hard, and we need support in that process. But we can do it!

Make a good choice and listen to this episode that will help you make the right steps towards therapy!

Show notes:
💟 Dr. Bonnie Wims is a therapist and a mental health coach who got her Ph.D. in her 50s: we need a balance between emotional intelligence and business skills. 01:39
🎙️ Breaking therapy stigmas: Dr. Bonnie Wims talks about misconceptions, myths, and misunderstandings of it in her podcast, challenging the idea you only have to heal your trauma once! 07:54
👉 If you want to progress, you should also engage outside the sessions. 14:50
✅ Working with a therapist is a relationship, and you need to find someone who fits you: if you’ve had a bad experience, you may have just been with the wrong person. 19:36
🧠 You can’t understand the way you’re responding to trauma until someone helps you see that: we can heal, the brain is incredibly elastic and can change at any age. 25:41
🤗 Even Dr. Bonnie Wims works on her trauma and self-worth: Jennifer also openly works on herself during her retreats to inspire her clients. 31:45
❣️ Don’t settle for being broken: be curious to understand your behaviors and make progress! 36:51


 Connect with Dr. Bonnie Wims:www.bonniewims.com 

Follow Dr. Bonnie Wims:www.linkedin.com/in/drbonniewims

Book a free call with Dr. Bonnie Wims:calendly.com/bonnie-96

Join our Academy: www.jenniferdawnacademy.com

Connect with Jennifer: www.jenniferdawncoaching.com

Retreats: www.jenniferdawncoaching.com/our-retreat