Welcome to the Happy Productive Podcast!
Oct. 25, 2023

How Doing Everything In Your Business Can Do More Harm Than Good - with Kate De Palma

How Doing Everything In Your Business Can Do More Harm Than Good - with Kate De Palma

Lowering your productivity benchmark is essential for long-term success. Kate De Palma is the founder & CEO of Scented Designs Candle Co. and shares the time management insights she learned during her entrepreneurial journey. Entrepreneurs often end up trying to do everything themselves, which leads to a lack of focus and productivity in the long run. The key to keeping yourself focused on what is most important and maintaining that feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction is to create more manageable and realistic goals. Offload some tasks onto other people, stop checking your phone every 5 minutes, and take baby steps toward your high-priority goals. Start working on something valuable and stop filling your time with busy work!

🕯️ Kate is a Stanford graduate, a former educator, and the founder of Scented Designs, a clean-crafted Candle Company: company growth takes time and education, and sometimes it needs to be a side job until it develops. 01:42
🤝 Doing in-person markets pre-COVID enabled Kate to do collaborations and survive the pandemic. 05:58
👙 Kate loves finding collaborations in the most unexpected places: working with someone is not about competing but serving your customer at a higher level. 09:51
✅ You don't need a full-time employee because just one person a few hours a week can make a difference: there's real power in saying no and focusing your energy. 13:39
📋 If you can't make your priorities, hire a business manager and practice lowering the expectation bar a little bit. 17:08
👉 Don't play catch up - just realize where you are and take baby steps: when you're not so busy, things get in a natural order and pace. 20:27
❣️ Shut down the inbox, close the email tab, and go to Do Not Disturb mode to save your productivity. 23:16


   Connect with Kate: www.scenteddesigns.com

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