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Aug. 24, 2023

Transforming Burnout into Joy: Reclaiming Success with Reena Vokoun

Transforming Burnout into Joy: Reclaiming Success with Reena Vokoun

You can leverage the misery of your burnout to pull yourself back into a place of joy and success. Reena Vokoun is the CEO of Passion Fit, where she empowers women to flourish both personally and professionally through wellness. Sometimes it can be hard to admit to yourself when you are not performing at your best, but self-awareness is the first step to tackling burnout. When you get to the point where you can't take the constant stress anymore, leverage that discomfort to make some changes and cut out some time to recover. Take some time to find something in your life you are passionate about and schedule it into your calendar so you can get that grounding and refreshing spark back into your life. When you take time for self-care and schedule that joy back into your life, you can get back to being your best self and continue propelling yourself forward to success. 

🌸 Reena Vokoun is the founder and CEO of Passion Fit, a best-selling and award-winning author, a TEDx speaker, a professional development coach and consultant, a content creator, and a marketer: she worked at Google until she experienced burnout and is now focused on empowering women to flourish both personally and professionally through wellness, fitness, nutrition, mindfulness, and work-life balance. 01:46
🔥 Reena shared her symptoms and how she recognized and dealt with burnout: there are blessings if you hit the point of burnout, but don't go too far. 05:00
✍️ Writing a self-assessment feels cathartic: once you get it out, make an action plan and leverage support. 11:43
💃 Take time off to sleep, get out, and do something different like dance, fitness, yoga, or hiking: when you feel well, internally and externally, you get a different perspective. 15:39
😻 Go back to what you liked to do in your younger years, and that sort of childlike curiosity and zest for life will start coming back. 20:40
💟 People who do self-care are more successful in their businesses and earn more money: put self-care on the calendar and know you are just as important as everyone and everything else. 23:25


  Connect with Reena: www.passionfit.com 

  The Wellness Empowered Woman: www.amazon.com/Wellness-Empowered-Woman-Passion-Happiness/dp/1736364707 

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