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Abundance Patience by Jennifer Dawn

Happy Productive 31 - Abundance Patience by Jennifer Dawn

When I was younger my definition of abundance meant never having to worry about my money. Unfortunately, this also meant working myself into the ground for that money. I chased the financial success, I thought that would solve all my problems, but in the process I sacrificed myself and I never quite achieved what I was truly after: happiness, joy and fulfillment.

It wasn't until I shifted my mindset and I was able to fully understand what abundance really is that helped me attract it into my life. Abundance is so much more than just money. It's about freedom, finding your personal power, and knowing that whatever life presents to you it's all in your highest and best interest. To me, everything is in abundance, but if you're not in the right emotional place to recognize that, it's going to be lost upon you. It all comes down to mindset because ultimately what you think, you attract.

Join me in this episode, the first of a 3-part series I will be hosting on the energy of abundance. I will deep dive into what abundance really is, how you can live abundantly every single day, why patience is so key, and how we can apply this to be more productive and joyous in our daily life.