Welcome to the Happy Productive Podcast!

Happy Productive #3 - Eliminate Overwhelm Forever

It's important to get overwhelm out of our lives because when you feel overwhelmed, stretched, stressed each day, there’s no space for you.

When there’s no space, you won’t feel motivated to change your life – you are stuck in just surviving each day – you may not have the energy to care about your health, or pursue your hobbies or interests – when there’s no space and people ask you for things you may find yourself getting angry or defensive, or reacting in a way that’s kind of unpleasant to be around.. then you feel guilty or shameful, beat yourself up and the process keeps repeating.

It’s so important to eliminate this state of overwhelm from your life so you can create the space you need to bring in the fun stuff like love, joy, laughter, and patience, compassion, understanding, gratitude. Listen in to learn more!


If you enjoyed this video, I want to invite you to come check out my coaching programs. Goal Achievers (https://bestplannerever.thinkific.com/bundles/premium-membership) is my life coaching program where we take this material and apply it to our lives. We dive deep into one life topic each month and focus on and apply it in a way that’s fun, achievable, and never overwhelming.

If you’re a business owner you’ll love Inner Circle (https://jenniferdawncoaching.com/group-coaching/).

We do the same deep dive on just one business topic per month but we also learn how to eliminate frustration, stress, and overwhelm from our businesses so we can have spectacular fun each day in our work.

You can learn more at either https://jenniferdawncoaching.com/ or https://bestplannerever.com/

Have a Happy Productive day!!